By Lexie and Maddie 5JB
On Thursday 11th of February, pupils from Rayleigh Primary School were told they could dress up in red and gold clothes for Chinese day, as part of our International week. Many children dressed up in the most amazing Chinese clothes!
In 5JB Rhys' Chinese clothes looked amazing. Madeleine and Matthew won the best outfits and they both got a Chinese post card.
5JB got an exclusive chance to make dumplings with our Chinese teacher, Miss Huang. It was the first time we had ever done this and it was a great experience to try something new.  “I enjoyed making them and when they were boiled they tasted great!” says Amber-Rae from 5JB.
Christie Chandler quoted, ‘My dough kept splitting and the mixture inside was falling out, but when they were finished they tasted great!’.
The lower years did an extremely tiring but very enjoyable exercise session with Miss Huang. Even the staff joined in-well some of them did!
Every class in the school had an opportunity to make all kinds of Chinese arts and crafts. Some classes made Chinese booklets with Miss Huang, others made dragons, Chinese lanterns and wrote Chinese symbols. Many of these were hung up around the classrooms, making our school look even brighter. 
Chinese Symbols 
Chinese Lanterns 

Chinese Dragons 
